This Guest Agreement is entered into between the existing tenant residing in the specified room below, the guest who will be staying in the same room as the tenant, and the management of Metro Student Accommodation. This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions that all parties must adhere to during the guest's stay at Metro Student Accommodation
ABN 99 323 648 972
Address 711 Plenty Rd Reservoir Victoria 3073
Phone : George 0403 802 371 Property Manager
Phone : Sophia 0410 512 802 Property Manager
Please pay rent by EFT
T&Z Investments Pty LtdBSB: 06 3234 Account Number: 1119 4360
George 0403 802 371 or Sophia 0410 512 802
These special conditions are exclusively applicable to Metro Student Accommodation and are mandatory. Non-compliance with these conditions may result in penalties or a notice to vacate. These special conditions specifically apply to guests sharing a room with an existing tenant. Where a condition refers to a tenant, it also applies to the guest.
Management acknowledges the tenant’s right to change the locks at the rental property providing management has been consulted and approved.
The tenant acknowledges that whilst all due care and attention has to be taken, Management cannot guarantee that all the keys to the property were returned by previous occupants.
The tenant must not create any noise or behave in a manner likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants. We request that the playing of music, musical instruments, video games and/or the television be kept to a minimum sound level and recommend the use of headphones. Breach notices will be issued to offending students. Any endangerment to another student or person or destructive behaviour will result in an IMMEDIATE NOTICE TO VACATE.
Kindly be advised that intermittent roof works are conducted for the repair and maintenance of air conditioners and other utilities located on the roof. During these instances, tenants on the second floor may unavoidably experience noise disturbances between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm. In such circumstances, tenants will receive prior notice of the scheduled works.
This tenancy is subject to and conditional upon the tenant being enrolled in an approved Australian learning institution. Proof of enrolment must be provided in the form of a valid student card or similar documentation upon request. Note the approved learning institutions will be contacted for verification
The tenant hereby agrees not to introduce any animal to reside at the property.
Use the premises as a residential dwelling for 1 person only per room. Due to Safety regulations, you will need to inform the management if you intend on having any overnight guests for longer than one night. Approval must be obtained before any guests stay for longer than one night. Additional costs will occur. Contact management to discuss costs. If a guest is approved, no additional occupants are permitted to share the room.
As per your terms and conditions please note the following:-
The management and landlord strictly prohibit the storage or charging of electric vehicles, including scooters, hoverboards, or any other portable transportation devices, on the premises. These items pose a potential fire hazard, and the safety of all tenants is of utmost priority. Failure to comply with this directive may result in eviction and potential fines.
The Tenant bears the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom, ensuring the absence of mold or visible soap scum.
Under no circumstances should the bathroom be utilised for laundry purposes. Specifically, washing clothes with buckets, portable washing machines, or any other method is strictly prohibited.
Showering is to be exclusively conducted within the designated shower area with the shower screen door closed. Additionally, the use of portable bidets, watering cans, or buckets is strictly forbidden.
When using the bathroom, especially the shower, it is imperative to close the bathroom door and activate the fan by turning on the light. This ensures effective extraction of steam preventing a false fire alarm.
NO MODIFICATIONS to the bathroom fixtures or plumbing is allowed
It is the Tenant's responsibility to report any plumbing or electrical issues.
PLEASE REPORT IMMEDIATELY any Broken Bathroom floor or shower tiles to management.
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in a notice to repair or breach of duty, as outlined in Section 91zi of the Residential Tenancy Act 1977, potentially leading to immediate eviction.
Street parking is available on Ethel Grove and Home Street. Additionally, parking is permitted at the rear of the Shamrock Hotel.
Avoid parking in front of the Shamrock Hotel, as it poses the risk of fines and towing.
The rear lane of Metro Student Accommodation can be utilized for loading and unloading only. It must be kept clear at all times, and overnight parking is not allowed. Violations may result in fines and vehicle towing.
Please take note of all council parking signs before leaving your vehicle parked for a long period of time.
The laundry facility is situated on the ground floor near the kitchen.
There are two industrial washers and two industrial dryers available, all of which are coin-operated.
Please take note of the operating instructions and ensure compliance.
Kindly consider others waiting to use the service while using the machines.
Retrieve your clothes promptly to prevent them from being disposed of.
There are 24 hour surveillance cameras in and outside of the building for your safety.
Each tenant is provided with security keys for all entry points to the building.
Ensure that doors are securely closed upon entering or leaving the premises.
Refrain from granting access to individuals, even if they claim to be tenants.
Personnel requiring access already possess their designated security keys.
If someone continues to want to enter the building , kindly instruct them to contact management.
If you notice suspicious activity inside or outside of the building please call police and management.
You are given the following keys:
Please keep your keys with you at all times to avoid being locked out the building.
IMPORTANTIf you loose your security key there will be a $70 replacement fee.
If you loose your room key there will be a $50 replacement fee
Responsibility of the Tenant:
House Rules:
Duration of Stay:
Use of Facilities:
Termination of Stay:
I, the undersigned Guest, acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement. I agree to comply with all rules and regulations set forth herein during my stay at the accommodation.
Signed by Guest
Signed by Tenant
Signed by Management
This Agreement shall be effective as of the start date entered above and shall remain in effect until the Guest's departure from the accommodation.